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Dates 2025


Workshop Weeks
05/05 - 09/05                   15/09 - 19/09

12/05 - 16/05                   22/09 - 26/09

02/06 - 06/06                   29/09 - 03/10

09/06 - 13/06                    06/10 - 10/10

14/07 - 18/07 and 21/07 - 25/07

July special: Flamenco, Lindy Hop and Classical Ballet crash courses

Individual or group classes on demand


From Monday to Friday, 5 days of morning classes (changes on to the afternoon may occur),
3 hours per day at least!

According to availability Simone Mongelli (body percussion & live percussion accompaniment) will teach workshops together with Isabella (dance teacher) or particular weeks workshops may be focused mainly on dance by adding live music by Cretan musicians.


See in this page all the detailed information about the "Rhythm and Dance" workshop, and check out the Extras page to learn more about the other opportunities of the week.

Courses' languages: English, German, Italian, Greek, and French!

​Rhythm and Dance - The material


Greek dance is a beautiful and joyful way of moving. Mainly danced in circle, the single dancer is not necessarily focused but supported by the whole circle and gives timid participants confidence and courage. Greek dance helps education in body awareness, agility and body condition: a therapy for body and mind!

Due to the location of the workshop, a great attention will be given to Cretan dances, but in general rhythms and dances from all over Greece will be taught, including areas that do not belong anymore to the Greek state, but have left a great and still alive cultural heritage, such as Asia Minor, Cappadocia, Pontus. Moreover, Greek musical and choreutic language is very rich and varied from region to region.

Rhythm and Dance - Details & Costs

The course is held on a week-base (starting on Monday), and is organized as follows:


- Monday to Friday: morning classes, with free time for relaxing or optional extras



Every workshop module includes:


- Relaxation
- Suggestions for self-treatment of latent feet and back problems
- Small historical/ethnographic introduction to the different areas of Greece and their traditions

- Rhythm work (with Body percussion work when available)

- Dance learning


- Shuttle from room to House Kavouri and vv.

- Shuttle and  animation with live music and dance in nearby tavernas.


Workshop modules

5 days course - intensive course: 230€ - bookings of single days are also possible, upon prior agreement.

Single days 15€/hour, Children up to 12 years free


We help you booking your room, studio or hotel at Souda beach or if preferred in Plakias. 

                       Average prices:  35-50€, some flats available too.

                       Accommodation is payed directly to the landlord by the tenant. 

Breakfast (optional)

Rich buffet, served everyday at "House Kavouri", from 8.30 to 9.30 am, with daily fresh orange juice, fresh local products as yoghurt, cheese, fruits and raw vegetables, local herbal teas and honey, a big variety of self-made jams, and much more!

Cost: 7€ per day.


Notes:  - If you are interested in a different program, or do not need accommodation, contact us to arrange a custom program.

  - For any help and suggestions about your trip to Plakias, consult this page.


⇒ Visit the dedicated page for details about extras ⇐


Liebe Isabella
Ich habe wunderbare Ferientage erlebt, und durfte einen Teil Südkretas auf eine Art kennenlernen, wie dies mit mit einer herkömmlichen Ferienbuchung nie möglich gewesen wäre.
Neben den Tanzstunden, die ich sehr genossen habe, hast Du uns an untouristische Orte geführt, uns deren "Flair" gezeigt, und vieles zu deren Geschichte, auch allgemein zu Griechenland und im Speziellen zu Kreta erzählt und erklärt. Das war toll! Die Vielfalt dessen, was ich gesehen und erfahren habe, fasziniert mich sehr.
Deine Spontanität und Ungezwungenheit hat mir Eindruck gemacht und auch die Tatsache, wie Du da voll integriert bist, und von den Menschen geschätzt und geachtet wirst.
Ich habe viele wertvolle Erfahrungen gemacht und liebenswürdige, offene und im Leben engagierte Menschen kennengelernt.
Dafür danke ich Dir von Herzen, und natürlich für die tollen Tanzabende zu Live-Musik!


Priska F.


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