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The perfect set for a great summer experience, combining dream vacations with cultural and physical activities, entering from the main door into the fascinating world of Greek authentic culture, through its traditional dances.

The ideal environment for bodywork, music, rhythm and dance.

Dates 2024


Workshop Weeks
13/05 - 17/05                   16/09 - 20 /09

20/05 - 24/05                   30/09 - 04/10

03/06 - 07/06                   07/10 - 11/10

17/06 - 21/06                    14/10 - 18/10


Individual or group classes on demand:
/05 - 28/06

10/09 - 25/10

  The Setting

Souda Plakias, Rethymno, Crete.


South Crete holds the perfect balance of a summer destination of enchanted beauty, with all the needed comforts, which is still though uncontaminated by mass-tourism. Authentic people, wild charm, amazing endless blue sea, rocks and beaches, mountains and footpaths give you the chance of living a real true experience of â€‹Mediterranean life. Peace, comfort and nature will be your companions.

  The Studio

House "Kavouri"

Isabella and her husband Thomas built this house basically focusing on the needs of their guests joining dance workshops. The wonderful studio, 8 x 8 m² with wooden cushioned floor, six (!) large windows and a large terrace, allows all the needed comfort and space combined with the most unique view of Plakias' gulf. Move your body and dance comfortably, with your eyes fixed onto the incredible blue Libyan sea.

How to get here:

By flight:

Fly to Heraklion (1h 30' away) or Chania (1h 20' away) and then get to Plakias by taxi right from the airport, or by public transportation: you first have to reach Rethymnon. We will pick you up from there and take you to your apartment.​


In case of contemporary arrivals of several of our guests, we sometimes organize our own transfer service from Heraklion airport or Rethymnon to Plakias, and in any case we can help you with your transfer. Contact us!


If you wish to rent a car, we suggest you this agency.


By car:

You can get to Chania or Heraklion from Piraeus.

Drive from Rethymnon to Plakias

Drive from Chania to Plakias

Drive from Heraklion to Plakias

Please do not hesitate to contact us to help you planning your trip.



- for travel irregularities, illness, accidents we do not overtake responsibility. We recommend to complete a travel insurance.

Liebe Isabella
Ich habe wunderbare Ferientage erlebt, und durfte einen Teil Südkretas auf eine Art kennenlernen, wie dies mit mit einer herkömmlichen Ferienbuchung nie möglich gewesen wäre.
Neben den Tanzstunden, die ich sehr genossen habe, hast Du uns an untouristische Orte geführt, uns deren "Flair" gezeigt, und vieles zu deren Geschichte, auch allgemein zu Griechenland und im Speziellen zu Kreta erzählt und erklärt. Das war toll! Die Vielfalt dessen, was ich gesehen und erfahren habe, fasziniert mich sehr.
Deine Spontanität und Ungezwungenheit hat mir Eindruck gemacht und auch die Tatsache, wie Du da voll integriert bist, und von den Menschen geschätzt und geachtet wirst.
Ich habe viele wertvolle Erfahrungen gemacht und liebenswürdige, offene und im Leben engagierte Menschen kennengelernt.
Dafür danke ich Dir von Herzen, und natürlich für die tollen Tanzabende zu Live-Musik!


Priska F.


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